Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hi everybody,

My name is Vyaas.
I know I haven't really been on for a pretty long time, but now I'm

I would like you to try to answer these jokes:

Q. What is it called if there is coke falling from the sky?

Q. What did Daffy Duck say when he finished shopping?

Q. What is black, white and out of control?

Q. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

Q. Why are cats good with string theory?



At 7:07 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ said...

Vyaachum baby... I am totally lost... I have no idea what the answers are... I will think and think and get back to you on these...

At 5:37 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ said...

1) No idea

2) I need to quackly get out of here!

3) Vyaas painted black and white... ;0

4) Because the chicken got run over?

5) Because they play with yarn.

At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Q. What is it called if there is coke falling from the sky?
A. Heaven

Q. What did Daffy Duck say when he finished shopping?
A. "Duck Bucks"

Q. What is black, white and out of control?
A. An oldies hair!

Q. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A. It was afraid of getting a ticket.

Q. Why are cats good with string theory?
A. They perfected it over 9 lives.

At 3:05 AM, Blogger Vyaachum said...

LOL! I like all your answers. They are very good! But no offence, but it's wrong. I will write the answers in the following space:

1) Q. What is it called if there is coke falling from the sky?

A. Acid rain!

2) Q. What did Daffy Duck say when he finished shopping?

A. "Just put it on my bill"!

3) Q. What is black and white and and out of control?

A. A penguin on a jet ski!

4) Q. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

A. Because it had no guts!

5) Q. Why are cats good with string theory?

A. Because the play with yarn!

Preethi! You got the last question right!

Ali Barbara, I like your answers a lot! Especially question 2: What is black and white and out of control?

At 3:26 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ said...

Thank you Vyaachum!!! I am so glad I got one right. I was soo close to getting the first one right as well. Keep writing new posts! :D

At 2:33 AM, Blogger Vyaachum said...

You're welcome Preethi! Thank you! Keep viewing my blog!


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